
council of the european union中文是什么意思

  • 欧盟部长理事会
  • 欧盟理事会
  • 欧洲联盟部长理事会
  • 欧洲联盟理事会



  • 例句与用法
  • As presidency , the uk will chair the council of the european union for six months
  • The council of the european union has adopted a directive known as the euratom directive , one part of which requires the assessment and limitation of exposure of aircrews to cosmic radiation and for information to be given to aircrews
  • Generally speaking , within community framework , the european commission is endowed with the right to initiate community legislation , the council of the european union is the main decision - making body , and votes could be made on the basis of majority voting in principle
  • Within the framework of the justice and home affairs ( jha ) , the council of the european union is the highest decision - making body , the european commission shares the right of initiative with member states , the european parliament does not have a say nor real right of supervisory
  • In the framework of the common foreign and security policy ( cfsp ) , the european council enjoys the highest right , it is responsible for setting the principles and guidelines of cfsp , the european commission shares the right of initiative with member states , the council of the european union is in charge of making and implementing the concrete decisions and measures of cfsp
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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